Click on the Kpler option from the main menu.
All the Excel add-in functions will be displayed. Based on your access, the functions might differ from those in the image below.
Columns selection
Click on the Columns buttons to select the fields you would like to display, and simply drag and drop the column names to choose the order in which these are shown.
Columns such as ‘Vessel’ located on the table (right side) would be included in the Excel spreadsheet. However, fields such as ‘Buyer (destination)’ would be excluded based on the selection shown below.
For more details on what each field means, check out the available fields and descriptions.
The =Kpler.getTrades() query returns all trades in the Kpler database.
In the example below, it will display the trades from Australia to Asia where Shell acted as the seller of a cargo. The time spans from the last 3 months (at the load port) until the latest date available in the database, as the ‘Destination’ filter is not checked.
Zones: From=Australia, To=Asia
Dates: Origin=Last 3 months
Trade Status=In Transit
The =Kpler.getFlows() query shows aggregated exports, imports or net exports. In the example below, it shows exports from the Middle East to China for the last 2 years, but users can customized the date accordingly.
The function also returns aggregated flows (installation/zone) on a daily, weekly, weekly EIA, monthly and yearly basis.
‘The split by’ function splits the results by: Grades, Products, Destination/Origin (Continent, Subcontinent, Trading Regions, Countries, Ports, Installations, PADDs), Vessel Type (Vessel Type CPP, OIL), Trade Status, Sources, Charterers, Crude Quality, Buyers, Sellers, Long Haul Vessel Type CPP, Long Haul Vessel Type OIL and Routes.
Locations: From=Middle East, To=China
Dates=Last 2 years
A =Kpler.getPortCall() query returns all port-calls for a given vessel, product, zone or installation. In this example, the filters are set so that all ‘Silver Dover’ port-calls (both for load/discharge operations) carrying 'Gasoline' in the last month are shown.
Table=Port Calls
Date=Last month
Vessels=Silver Dover
Learn more
Interested in tracking Ship-to-Ship operations on the Kpler add-in? Check out this article.
Keep up to date with the latest features through the Excel Add-in Release Notes.
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