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Excel add in index - Dry

Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 4 months ago

This is the list of the available tables in our Dry excel add-in:


Allows you to have a comprehensive view of the cargo activities, including information such as quantity, loading or discharge location, loading and discharging dates as well as the players involved in the trades.


Our add-in allows you to filter trades using a variety of criteria. Here is an overview of the available filters:


  • Origins: Origin of the trade. It can be a continent, a subcontinent, a region, a country, a port, an installation.

  • Destinations: Destination of the trade. It can be a continent, a subcontinent, a region, a country, a port, an installation.

Products: Name of the commodity/product represented in our family tree: Family, Group, Product, Grade.


  • Origins: Start date of the trade. It is the end of the load if it occurred, or its Estimated Berth Departure if still to come.

  • Destination: End date of the port call. It is when the vessel is leaving the berth or the port/ anchorage/ canal if installation is unknown. If null, the port call is either yet to come or ongoing.

  • Vessels: Can be vessel names or vessel IMOs

  • Vessel Types: Vessel classification based on the deadweight of the vessel. It includes Baby Capes, Capesize, Handymax, Handysize, Newcastlemax, Kamsarmax, Panamax, Post-Panamax, Supramax, Ultramax, Valemax, and VLOC


  • Sellers: Seller of the cargo at the origin. It can be a list if multiple companies are potential sellers.

  • Buyers: Company buying the cargo on its delivery location.


  • Intra-Country: Takes into account the trades within the selected region.

  • Freight View: Provides access to the entire fleet's trades, irrespective of your current cargo subscription. Only available via Freight subscription.

  • With Forecast: Include trades predicted by our in-house model.


Allows you to have the aggregated the results of the table trades and gives a gives a global view of dry flows.


Our add-in allows you to filter flows using a variety of criteria. Here is an overview of the available filters:


  • Origins: Origin of the trade. It can be a continent, a subcontinent, a region, a country, a port, an installation.

  • Destinations: Destination of the trade. It can be a continent, a subcontinent, a region, a country, a port, an installation.

  • Flows Directions : Import, Export, Net Volume

  • Products: Name of the commodity/product represented in our family tree: Family, Group, Product, Grade.

  • Unit: Different units available in this table: Kb, Kbd, Kt, Mt, MMbbl


  • Origins: Start date of the trade. It is the end of the load if it occurred, or its Estimated Berth Departure if still to come.

  • Destination: End date of the port call. It is when the vessel is leaving the berth or the port/ anchorage/ canal if installation is unknown. If null, the port call is either yet to come or ongoing.

  • Vessel Types: Vessel classification based on the deadweight of the vessel. It includes Baby Capes, Capesize, Handymax, Handysize, Newcastlemax, Kamsarmax, Panamax, Post-Panamax, Supramax, Ultramax, Valemax, and VLOC

  • Splits: Allows you to breakdown the data by "Total", "Grades", "Products", "Origin Countries", "Destination Countries", "Origin Continents", "Destination Continents", "Origin Subcontinents", "Destination Subcontinents", "Origin Trading Regions", "Destination Trading Regions", "Origin Ports", "Destination Ports", "Origin Padds", "Destination Padds", "Origin Installations", "Destination Installations", "Vessel Type", "Trade Status", "Sources", "Charterers", "Buyer", "Seller", "Routes".


  • Intra-Country: Takes into account the trades within the selected region.

  • Freight View: Provides access to the entire fleet's trades, irrespective of your current cargo subscription. Only available via Freight subscription.

  • With Forecast: Include trades predicted by our in-house model.

Port Calls

Allows you to monitor the line up of vessels to do an operation at the port, country or regional level with their quantity and product information.


Our add-in allows you to filter port calls using a variety of criteria. Here is an overview of the available filters:

  • Zones: Zone of the port call. It can be a continent, a subcontinent, a region, a country, a port..

  • Products: Name of the commodity/product represented in our family tree: Family, Group, Product, Grade.

  • Dates: An interval of the start and the end of the port calls.

  • Vessel: Can be vessel names or vessel IMOs


  • Empty Volume: Provides access to the empty volume port calls. Only available via Freight subscription.

  • Freight View: Provides access to the entire fleet's trades, irrespective of your current cargo subscription. Only available via Freight subscription.

  • With Forecast: Include trades predicted by our in-house model.

Bills of Lading

The Bills of Lading table allows clients to access structured Import & Export Bill of Lading documents’ data obtained directly from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.


  • Our add-in allows you to filter Bills of Lading using a variety of criteria. Here is an overview of the available filters:

  • Source: All, US Export Bill, US Import Bill


  • Bill date: Start/End of the period when BL was issued

  • Movement date: Start/End of the period when export or import took place

  • Bill numbers: Bill of Lading Number

  • Port Calls IDs: Port Call IDs

Ballast Capacity

The ballast capacity table gives access to future vessel availability based on vessel future ETA towards a destination or our forecast model.

There is a macro level called “Aggregated Values”, where the user can aggregate the data through different periods (daily, weekly, monthly ), and on a split level. With the ability to select a specific metric.

There is a micro level called “List of Port Calls” where the user can retrieve data at the most granular level.


Our add-in allows you to filter ballast vessels using a variety of criteria. Here is an overview of the available filters:

  • Metric: Vessel count or Deadweight for the aggregated value

  • Zones: Names of countries/geographical zones. Default to world if not specified.

  • Products: Name of the commodity/product represented in our family tree: Family, Group, Product, Grade.

  • Dates: An interval of the start and the end of the period.

  • Period: Daily, weekly, monthly

  • Vessel Types: Vessel classification based on the deadweight of the vessel. It includes Baby Capes, Capesize, Handymax, Handysize, Newcastlemax, Kamsarmax, Panamax, Post-Panamax, Supramax, Ultramax, Valemax, and VLOC

  • Split: Ability to break down the data by country, source, vessel type and total


  • Freight View: Provides access to the entire fleet's trades, irrespective of your current cargo subscription. Only available via Freight subscription


The congestion table gives access to the congestion of vessels that are waiting to do an operation (Loading/Discharge) at port level, country, and regional level.

There is a macro level called “Aggregated Values”, where the user can aggregate the data through different periods (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly) and on a split level. With the ability to select a specific metric.

There is a micro level called “List of Vessels” where the user can retrieve data at the most granular level.


Our add-in allows you to filter congestions using a variety of criteria. Here is an overview of the available filters:

  • Metric: Vessel count or Deadweight for the aggregated value

  • Zones: Names of countries/geographical zones. Default to world if not specified.

  • Products: Name of the commodity/product represented in our family tree: Family, Group, Product, Grade.

  • Dates: An interval of the start and the end of the period.

  • Period: Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly

  • Waiting Days: Time measured in days spent by vessels in the waiting zone

  • Vessel Types: Vessel classification based on the deadweight of the vessel. It includes Baby Capes, Capesize, Handymax, Handysize, Newcastlemax, Kamsarmax, Panamax, Post-Panamax, Supramax, Ultramax, Valemax, and VLOC

  • Split: Ability to break down the data by port, country, installation, vessel type, vessel operations, waiting status, product, grade and total


  • Include all vessels in waiting: Include vessels in the waiting zone not tagged as congestion (lays ups, open vessels, floating storage, distressed cargoes, etc)

  • Freight View: Provides access to the entire fleet's trades, irrespective of your current cargo subscription. Only available via Freight subscription

Fleet Development

The fleet development monitors fleet supply through available vessels, deliveries, scrapping method, contracting and compliance method.

There is a macro level called “Aggregated Values”, where the user can aggregate the data through different periods (monthly, quarterly, and yearly) and on a split level. With the ability to select a specific aggregated metric.

There is a micro level called “List of Vessels” where the user can retrieve data at the most granular level.


Our add-in allows you to filter fleet development using a variety of criteria. Here is an overview of the available filters:

  • Metric: Active vessels, delivered vessels, demolished vessels or ordered vessels.

  • Aggregated Metric: To aggregate the data by vessel deadweight, vessel capacity or by vessel count.

  • Dates: An interval of the start and the end of the period.

  • Period: monthly, quarterly, and yearly

  • Vessel Types: Vessel classification based on the deadweight of the vessel. It includes Baby Capes, Capesize, Handymax, Handysize, Newcastlemax, Kamsarmax, Panamax, Post-Panamax, Supramax, Ultramax, Valemax, and VLOC

  • Split: Ability to break down the data by compliance method, vessel type and total


  • Order Book: Access vessels in fleet orderbook, scheduled for future delivery.

Fleet Utilization

The fleet utilization analyses the entire vessel fleet and determines at any given point in time, which polygons (mapped zones) are the vessels located in, how many are loaded with cargo and how many are empty.

There is a macro level called “Aggregated Values”, where the user can aggregate the data through different periods (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly) and on a split level. With the ability to select a specific metric.

There is a micro level called “List of Vessels” where the user can retrieve data at the most granular level.


Our add-in allows you to filter fleet utilization using a variety of criteria. Here is an overview of the available filters:

  • Metric: Vessel count or Deadweight for the aggregated value

  • Previous Zones: Names of zones (port/region/country/continent) the vessel is coming from.

  • Current Zones: Names of zones (port/region/country/continent) the vessel is currently.

  • Next Zones: Names of zones (port/region/country/continent) the vessel is going to.

  • Direction: Cardinality of the direction.

  • Products: Name of the commodity/product represented in our family tree: Family, Group, Product, Grade.

  • Dates: An interval of the start and the end of the period.

  • Period: Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly

  • Vessels: Can be vessel names or vessel IMOs

  • Vessel Types: Vessel classification based on the deadweight of the vessel. It includes Baby Capes, Capesize, Handymax, Handysize, Newcastlemax, Kamsarmax, Panamax, Post-Panamax, Supramax, Ultramax, Valemax, and VLOC

  • Split: Ability to break down the data by product, state, vessel type, current zone, previous zone, next zone, direction and total.


  • Distinct Aggregation: Show or hide distinct vessels.

Freight Metrics

The freight metrics table gives you access to shipping ton-mile data demand and sources of demand volatility & review average speed and distance traveled by vessel fleets.

There is a macro level called “Aggregated Values”, where the user can aggregate the data through different periods (monthly, quarterly, and yearly) and on a split level. With the ability to select a specific metric.

There is a macro level called “List of Vessels” where the user can retrieve data at the most granular level.


Our add-in allows you to filter freight metrics using a variety of criteria. Here is an overview of the available filters:

  • Metric: Ton Miles, Ton Days, Average Speed or Average Distance


  • Origins: Origin of the trade. It can be a continent, a subcontinent, a region, a country, a port, an installation.

  • Destinations: Destination of the trade. It can be a continent, a subcontinent, a region, a country, a port, an installation.

  • Products: Name of the commodity/product represented in our family tree: Family, Group, Product, Grade.

  • Dates: An interval of the start and the end of the period.

  • Period: monthly, quarterly and yearly

  • Vessels: Can be vessel names or vessel IMOs

  • Vessel Status: Loaded or Ballast

  • Vessel Types: Vessel classification based on the deadweight of the vessel. It includes Baby Capes, Capesize, Handymax, Handysize, Newcastlemax, Kamsarmax, Panamax, Post-Panamax, Supramax, Ultramax, Valemax, and VLOC

  • Split: Ability to break down the data by origin zones, destination zones, product, vessel type and total


  • Freight View: Provides access to the entire fleet's trades, irrespective of your current cargo subscription. Only available via Freight subscription.

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