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NMEA Router
Written by Anastassis Touros
Updated over 7 months ago

The NMEA Router is a comprehensive and powerful software designed to manage and relay NMEA data. It can process all data in the NMEA standard from various devices. It supports the conversion and filtering data streams, enabling seamless integration and communication between different navigation and communication devices on board a ship. This makes it easy to manage and forward AIS data.



Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)


v1.3.66 (06.11.2017)




AIS Forwarder


  • easy configuration

  • multiple inputs and outputs manageable


  • only available for Windows

Once you understand the principles and structure of the NMEA Router, managing various devices and targets becomes very straightforward. You start by creating a Profile and then setting up Connections to receive data from a device or designate output targets. These different connections can then be linked through Routes to send data from one or multiple devices to a specific target or various targets.


  • You can connect the receiver to your PC via USB or direct serial connection

  • You have identified the COM port assigned to the device on your computer

  • You have requested to share AIS data and have received the IP and port information

  • Your operating system is supported by this software


Download the NMEA Router software here. Make sure that you choose the right software, as other applications are also offered for download. Install it, and start the application.

  • Start with creating a new profile: Configure → Profile → New

  • Label the profile with a name of your choice and click OK

  • Now create a new Connection (AIS receiver): Configure → Connection → New

  • It is always helpful to choose an appropriate Connection Name for the device to easily distinguish everything

  • For serial and USB devices, choose Serial as the Type of Connection

  • Click OK for the next form to configure the Serial Port

  • Choose the COM port as the device your receiver is connected to

  • The Baud Rate is normally 38400 or check your device manual

  • The Data Direction is Input

  • Save by clicking OK

  • Create a new output Connection: Configure → Connection → New

  • in order to name the connection clearly, choose for example "MarineTraffic"
    as Connection Name

  • Select UDP/TCP as the Type of Connection

  • Click OK for the next form to configure UDP/TCP

  • As Protocol can be selected, UDP or TCP

  • As Data Direction, select Output

  • Add the sharing information that you received with your sharing request

    • Remote Host - here, you can add the IP (
      or DNS address (

    • Add the Remote Port that you received

  • Save by clicking OK

  • Generate a route so the data of the source can be sent to the receiver:
    Configure → Route → New

  • In the field Between, select the Input Connection that you created

  • In the field And, select the Output Connection that you created

  • Make sure to activate the box Enabled

  • Save by clicking OK

  • Don't forget to save the profile.

  • When you close the software, you will be prompted to save the changes to the profile at the latest.

  • If the connection does not start automatically, you have to start it manually: Click on the Start button

  • Now, you can see how the data is being transferred

Add NMEA Router to Startup in Windows System Configuration, so you don't have to start the program manually each time, but you have to click Start.

Next, access your station on MarineTraffic to verify if the data is being received. Please allow a few minutes for the statistics to reflect a successful reception.


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