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How to add your AIS Station and share data

Create a station on your MarineTraffic account and start sharing AIS data from your own hardware.

Rafael Klajman avatar
Written by Rafael Klajman
Updated over 3 weeks ago

If you share from your own AIS hardware (onshore or onboard a vessel in case of Roaming), sharing this data with MarineTraffic involves just a few simple steps. First, you'll need an IP or DNS address and a port to send the data to us. This article explains how to set this up, and additional articles provide guidance on configuring your software.

Add your AIS station

Log in to your account and go to your station overview (My Account > My Station). In the top left corner, you'll find the option "Add Receiving Station." Click on it to open the form.

The form is easy to fill out and largely self-explanatory. Make sure to complete all fields marked with a red asterisk to avoid any issues. If you encounter any problems, please contact support. Below, we will explain each field in case anything is unclear.

  • Place - Station name (mandatory field)
    Enter the name of your station here. You can choose any name you like, but it’s advisable to select a distinctive name, such as the location, to make it easier to identify your station. Please note that this name cannot be changed later.

  • Contact Name (mandatory field)
    Provide MarineTraffic with the name of the person that will be contacted in case it is needed.

  • Country
    Select the country the station is located in from the drop-down list.

  • Contact Phone
    Enter a phone number where we can reach you, including the country code, from the dropdown menu. This number will only be used to assist you with your station and will not be used for any other purpose.

  • Equipment
    Please specify the hardware you are using, including details about your receiver, antenna, and any other relevant equipment. This information will help us provide better support for any technical questions you may have in the future.

  • Operator
    Fill in a name or call sign that will correspond to the station's operator.

  • Roaming MMSI
    This entry is only for stations installed on Vessels that transmit their own AIS data. It allows your station's position to be automatically updated and ensures accurate statistics. Add your MMSI here.

  • Altitude (m)
    Enter the height of your antenna above sea level in meters here. This information helps estimate your reception range.

  • Map - Latitude and Longitude (mandatory field)
    Enter the location of your station in decimal degrees (e.g., 54.123, 12.321). This information will be used to calculate your station's range. You can either input the coordinates directly in the fields below or move the pin on the map to place it in the correct position by zooming in on the map.

    If you are on a vessel, just enter your current location.

What information is displayed on the page?

When a user opens your station, the equipment, altitude, and position are displayed. If you check the box “I want my personal details as shown on the Operated By field to be publicly visible,” the Operated By name will also be shown in your station. This means that other users can see this information, like in the picture below.

When you have finished and reviewed your entries one last time, confirm by clicking the Submit button at the end of the form to send the information. This will create a new station for you, and you will have 10 days to start transmitting before the station is removed.

You will receive an IP and a unique port. This information will be briefly displayed on the page and sent to you via email, providing you with the data to set up the forwarding.

Here you can find an overview and setup instructions for the different available software.

By creating your station, it will be visible on the live map (if you activate the station filter), and statistics for your station will be generated, which can be viewed on the station page by you and others. You can now find your station on the map or in your station overview (My Account > My Station).

Thank you for your support and for becoming part of our AIS community. Please let us know if we can assist you in any way or if you have any questions.


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