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How can the vessel's crew help?
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 8 months ago

The system is almost exclusively based on the information received from the vessels, as it is transmitted by their AIS transponders. Consequently, the correct configuration of the AIS transponders by the crew is very important!

Specifically, the responsible officer for the operation of the AIS transponder can significantly help in the correct presentation of the vessel's information, by taking care of the following:

  • Correctly updating and checking of the 'Static Information' which is manually stored in the AIS unit. Static Information includes: Vessel's Name, Vessel's Type, Vessel's Dimensions, IMO number, Relative position of the AIS unit.

  • Correctly updating the 'Voyage Information', i.e. the Destination, ETA and Draught, before each departure. When this information is correct, it will be displayed on the "Expected Arrivals" page while an estimation of the time of arrival will also be available to anyone interested. Each time, a single port (UN/LOCODE) must be entered as the vessel's destination - any additional information (such as country or multiple ports) must be avoided.

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