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Written by Anastassis Touros
Updated over 7 months ago

The AIS receiver must communicate correctly with your network to efficiently forward and utilize these data. However, an improperly configured firewall can block the forwarding of this important data and disrupt smooth operations. We will let you know what you need to configure your firewall so that the AIS receiver can forward its data without hindrance. You can ensure that AIS data is transmitted reliably and without interruptions.

Pi-based MarineTraffic AIS station

The receiver makes use of the following ports:

5320 - This is the destination port for your unit.

443 (TCP) - This is the most fundamental requirement. It is used to connect to the VPN, the web terminal, and many web endpoints using TLS.

123 (UDP) - For NTP time synchronization.

53 (UDP) - For DNS name resolution.

Each of these should work with Outbound only (and Inbound once Outbound connection is established) firewall settings.

Additionally, you should whitelist the following IP / domains for the relevant ports above:




To be transparent about why so many domains and ports need to be opened, it is because the devices themselves process and forward a lot of information, using various services that naturally require internet access. These include functionalities such as statistics, remote maintenance, and updating the devices. This helps the support team to assist effectively and respond quickly to any issues.

Data sharers and old stations

These stations typically send data to a specific IP or DNS address and port. These need to be allowed through the firewall to ensure the data can be forwarded correctly. If you are sharing data, this information can be found in your software configuration or in the email you received when you registered the station.

DNS: or


If you received your station from FleetMon, the data will be sent to a different IP or DNS address. For the port information, please contact support.



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