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Upload Photos
Written by Vasilis Kontas
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Any registered user of MarineTraffic is able to upload photos of maritime interest which will be included in the MarineTraffic Photo Directory.
You may come across Upload a photo buttons in various spots as you go about MarineTraffic.

  • Clicking on the Photo Gallery tab on the LiveMap sidebar menu and then selecting the Upload a Photo option.

Upload Photos.gif
  • clicking on the Photos Uploaded option in the My Account section.

  • in the Vessel Details Page under the Vessel Photos section.


Asset Details

  • You can start the Upload Photo by clicking on the Browse button and locating the photo you wish to upload to MarineTraffic Photo Directory, on your computer.

The asset details need to be added to the form.

  • Notice that as you start typing the vessel’s Name, a list of vessels with similar names will appear. You will need to select the correct one from the drop-down list that appears so that her MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) or IMO (International Maritime Organisation) number will be auto-completed, as well as her Type.

  • In case there is no EXIF data (which digital cameras use as a standard that specifies the photo's formats and ancillary tags) available for the certain photo, complete the Date Taken field using the suggested format (yyyy-mm-dd hh: mm).

  • Additionally, you will need to enter the name of the Copyright Holder / Photographer in the respective field. The User field will be auto-completed provided you have signed in to your MarineTraffic account.

Finally, you can add a short description of the photo in the Photo Legend/Comments field.

Photo Location

  • As an extra step, you will need to find the location where the photo was taken on the map. For your convenience, MarineTraffic may ask for your permission to track your position automatically. However, if the location of the photo differs from your current location you should manually find the photo location on the map. Once the location is set on the map, the Latitude and Longitude fields will be auto-completed.

Additionally, you can fill in the Place of the photo in the Place of Photo field.

Please, make sure that:

  • the provided information in the upload form is correct as we try to ensure that all photos included in the MarineTraffic Photo Directory are of high quality and have accurate details.

  • your photos should comply with certain standards (size, content, metadata)

  • your photo complies with the MarineTraffic photo standards.

  • your photo does not violate any copyright.

When you are ready, click on the Submit button and your selected photo will then be uploaded to the MarineTraffic servers. Our team of photo moderators (MarineTraffic community-based) will review it and, after its approval, it will be displayed publicly in the MarineTraffic Photo Directory (this process may last up to 48 hours).

Note: uploaded photos may appear with a delay in the mobile app as it may take more time for the website and app to synchronize.

  • You can find all your uploaded photos in one place by just clicking on the Photos Uploaded option in the My Account section. From there you can also manage your uploaded photos' details, provide additional information, and even, delete them.

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