The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automated, autonomous tracking system which is extensively used in the maritime world for the exchange of navigational information between AIS-equipped terminals. Thanks to it, static and dynamic vessel information can be electronically exchanged between AIS-receiving stations (onboard, ashore or satellite).
Since December 2004, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) requires all ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages, cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards not engaged on international voyages and passenger ships irrespective of size to be fitted with an automatic identification system (AIS), as specified in SOLAS regulation V/19.2.4, while smaller vessels can also be equipped with a Class B AIS transponder. This decision came as a result of the 2002 SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) agreement's relative mandate.
AIS transponders (on vessel stations) include a GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver which collects the subject vessel's position and movement details. Such dynamic details along with other static information provided by the vessel's crew are automatically broadcasted at regular intervals via a built-in VHF transmitter using 2 specific VHF channels (161.975 Mhz and 162.025 Mhz - 87 & 88 old VHF channels).
The periodic AIS-data information can be received by other vessel or base stations (provided they are within range). Then, with the use of special software, it can be processed and depicted on chart plotters or on computers (for example, on the MarineTraffic Live Map). AIS-data can also be received by satellites - in this case, the term Sat-AIS is used (Satellite AIS or S-AIS).
The availability of the AIS information to the public domain quickly led to a drastic change regarding the initial perception of its use. AIS was originally developed by IMO (International Maritime Organisation) as a standard which would help vessels to avoid collisions while assisting port authorities to control marine traffic with more efficiency. However, the fact that its capabilities could become applicable to a wider spectrum of maritime-related business fields, soon became clear!
Nowadays, AIS information is used to serve various purposes and facilitates the work of people in various occupations, such as (among others):
Port Authorities and Harbor Masters
Ship Owners, Managers and Builders
Ship Agents, Brokers and Charterers
Researchers and Data Analysts
Tug Operators and Pilots
Search and Rescue teams
Flag administrators and Classification Societies
Vessels' crews and their families' members
Coast Guard and Border Patrol
Hotels and Tour operators
Passengers or recreational sailors
Environmental Protection agents
Maritime Enthusiasts and Radio-amateurs
...the list is practically endless!