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EEX Availability curve
Hamza Aourach avatar
Written by Hamza Aourach
Updated over a year ago

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Documentation of Availability files

Access to the data: availability files are grouped by provider and then country under the following FTP path:

  • For the latest availability for a given year: 4_Supply/Forecast/Availability/{Provider}/{Country}/yyyy/CORE_SUPPLY_FORECAST_Availability_EEX_Curve_{Country_iso}_{ByType}_{Fueltype}_yyyy.csv

  • For daily snapshots at 12pm: 4_Supply/Forecast/Daily_Availability/{Provider}/{Country}/yyyy/CORE_SUPPLY_FORECAST_DailyAvailability_EEX_Curve_{Country_iso}_{ByType}_{Fueltype}_yyyymmdd.csv

Curve types

Kpler provides 3 types of curves:

  • Type 1: The first one is built by Kpler based on published UMMs by each provider for a given country/fuel

  • Type 2: A third-party curve that is published as is by an external provider (only available for EEX under EEX_Curve folder) - this documentation explicits Type 2 file format

  • Type 3: Kpler proprietary curve based on published UMMs and a machine learning model that adjusts the official view (REMIT) to take into account previous behaviour of the asset owner (only available for French Nuclear but soon will be extended to other countries/fuel types.

The table below describes all columns composing the files:

Variable Name




β€œ%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S” (datetime)

UTC date and time when the period starts.


β€œ%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”


UTC date and time when the period ends.



Availability in MW for the time period specified

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